Electronic Verification of Customers

With the advent of the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 just around the corner, getting your policies and procedures ship shape and compliant with the new Regulations can be time consuming especially in the light of Regulation 18(4) which states ‘A relevant person must keep an up-to-date written record of all steps it has taken’ which means your procedures may be asked for by your Supervisory body.

At the heart of the Regulations has always been knowing who you deal with and as such the verification of the client and any beneficial owners are paramount. The new JMLSG guidance in 5.3.14 makes it clear on the verification of not just the customer but also any beneficial owners.

Verification methods have noticeably shifted away from ‘so called identity documents’ to electronic verification, which can offer a much more reliable range of verification data without meeting the customer or beneficial owner face to face.

The range of verification SmartSearches we offer as an agent of Smart Credit are one of the most advanced and reliable offered in the UK covering individuals and company compliance issues.

Please contact us to see how we can help you with your verification of customers on a non-contractual basis.