How The System Works
Forming a company with us is cost effective & simple. You enter all the information onto our system and we will generate all the required forms and send them electronically to Companies House. If everything is acceptable you could get a registration number back within 3-6 hours and your company will be ready to trade without further delay. (Not including week-ends/statutory holidays)
Form a new company online in a few minutes using our simple application process:
Gather the necessary information Required, such as registered office nand office details
Check the availability of your chosen company name with our 'live' name checker
Select your package
Enter your details
Submit your application
Once your application has been accepted Companies House will issue your Certificate of Incorporation and we will produce the relevant documentation.
The following will provide an overview of the company registration process and what you should expect. Don’t worry if you get stuck as there is plenty of help available on our website, including "live help" facility. Also if you prefer you could still order by phone, fax or e-mail, but retain all the benefits of the online system.
The Company Name: Once you are on the on-line form you will be asked to provide a company name, in a nutshell it must be unique and contain the word ‘Limited’ or the short form 'Ltd' at the end. There are some words or expressions you cannot freely use.
The Registered Office: The Registered Office is the address where Companies House will send any statutory documents or forms. This address must be based in the UK and can be a residential or business address. Scottish company must have Registered Office address in Scotland. BTC offer a Registered office facility for England and Wales for a small annual fee.
The Subscriber Share Capital: Company ownership is divided up through shares. The shareholders collectively own the company in relation to how many shares they have. The subscribers must agree to take at least one share on incorporation, though they can subscribe for as many as they require.
The Officers: The officer will be any individual or company who will act as either a director, secretary or shareholder.
Authentication: If you have ever formed a company using the old paper based method then you will be aware that anyone appointed into a company must sign something at some point. This is where we authenticate the previously entered personnel. Obviously we can’t take a physical signature so we are required instead to provide digital signatures. A digital signature is three pieces of personal information relating to each member of personnel.
Complaince servcies and bank account: You can order a fast track Business account, VAT registration or mail forwarding services, this can be done either during the application process or you can select these at a later time.
Extra items: Before you place your order you may like to review our related products and services. Items such as brass plates are useful for displaying a company’s name, which is still required under the Companies Act: “The company must legibly paint or affix its name in a conspicuous place outside every office and place where it carries on business" (Companies Act 2006).
Submission: Once you have completed your application it will be added to your account and will be processed. The documents are then formatted and sent electronically to Companies House. Your application will then be assessed by Companies House and subject to acceptance we will receive a digital certificate of incorporation for your company. Once we have confirmation from Companies House we will e-mail you the certificate of incorporation and PDF copies of the Articles of Association and prepare your printed document pack to be dispatched by first class post.
If for any reason the application fails we can resubmit it to Companies House as many times as required without further charge.